I have been trying to get this post up for 2 weeks.....But along with having no time, I really haven't had the words. Which just feels so weird for me. Maybe it's the lack of sleep or how busy I've been or maybe it's just that there are no words.....So instead of trying to find the right words, I just put some pictures on the blog. Maybe the right words will come later....
I absolutely LOVED being pregnant this last time! I can truly say I was able to enjoy the miracle that God was allowing to happen in me. And even at the end when sometimes it was hard to eat or things got a little uncomfortable, I just felt so incredibly blessed and grateful. There were many nights when Evan's little kicks, flutters,and hiccups would keep me awake because I just didn't want to miss out on any of it. I had often felt after Landon that I was too old to have more children and yet this was my best pregnancy. And there was something about being older that made me able to appreciate it more than the others. |
This is a picture of Curt & I walking the neighborhood after my water broke. My sister took this picture about midnight, about an hour after my water broke. Curt is always a supportive birthing coach. Most husbands would be rushing their wives to the hospital if their water broke. When I said I wanted to walk to increase contractions.......he walked. When I said I didn't want to go to the hospital yet....he waited. When I got in the shower and I probably should have been going to the hospital.....he timed contractions. When he could tell my contractions were closer and stronger......he suggested we at least get closer to the hospital (which was a good thing or Evan may have been born in the car). When the cord was around the baby's neck twice and Evan was a little blue.....he never said a word or appeared like he was worried. |
This is a text message from my friend. I was glad I had this to look back on because when you're in labor, it is hard to remember time. So I enjoyed looking at our text messages. My friend lives about 2 hours away and I was keeping her posted so she could get here in time for Evan's birth. This is crazy to me because the message was at 1:43 and Evan was born at 2:56....... |
I know this seems weird but I LOVE seeing when they wheel in the baby bed. There is something so exciting about knowing that you are going to meet your baby soon. It's also a reminder that labor is almost over. |
This is my friend Jennifer coaching me at the end of my labor. She has been there for 3 of my 4 children's births. I have been there for all 3 of her children's births as well. She has held every one of my children within the first minutes or hour of them being born. There are no words to describe what she means to me as a friend. She brings such a sense of peace and calmness. She is an amazing support and labor coach. In this picture, I was at the very end of my labor. We knew the nurses were going to have to deliver the baby and I just felt at peace knowing he was going to be here soon. | | | | | | |
This is my younger sister who has been there for 3 of my children's births. During this picture she is sitting on the floor "hiding". She comes because she's my sister and she loves me but she is not one of the coaches...LOL. She was a little nervous. I like having her there, even if she's not sure if she wants to be there ;) |
I love that my sister caught this picture during labor. Jennifer was giving me her hand for me to squeeze. |
Evan had the cord around his neck twice and he was a little blue. It took them a little bit to get him breathing and so I wasn't able to hold him right away. He was my first baby I wasn't able to hold right away. This is where the nurse handed him to me for the first time. |
There is no other feeling than holding your baby for the first time. Every time.....tears. |
This is my big sister holding Evan for the first time. This was the first time she was able to be there when I delivered. It was so special that she was there for the whole thing. I will never forget how nervous she was when I went into labor. So funny to think she's the tough one. Curt and I still laugh at how when we told her my water broke and she walked into our room all dressed with her tennis shoes on as if we were going to the hospital right then. She was so excited! But we didn't leave for 3 more hours. She was so nervous on the way to the hospital, I don't think she realized she was sitting in Landon's car seat the whole way there. |
Daddy holding baby for the first time. Love this! |
Jennifer holding Evan after delivery. |
Landon meeting Evan for the first time. He is so excited to be a big brother. |
Carson meeting his brother for the first time. Carson LOVES Evan. He has loved him since he was in my belly and he is loving on him still! |
Going home! Landon's no longer the baby....
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One month old already! He is already growing so fast and changing so much. I am just trying to remember it all and capture the special moments, no matter how tired I am, because I know it all goes to quickly......... |
You have a beautiful family, Kelly. I enjoyed looking at your pictures.
ReplyDeleteThank you Laurie! Hope you guys are enjoying Washington.
DeleteBeautiful Cousin..... Blessings always and forever!!! ����
ReplyDeleteWith Love,
Thank you cousin!!