We made a gingerbread house! Landon ate more than he put on the house and was wound up from the candy for a few hours afterward, seriously he went a little crazy! We let him have the back of the house so he could decorate it how he wanted without disrupting his brothers' creativity. We usually let them each do their own house but it was fun this year to watch their different personalities work on one project together. Daddy is the perfectionist. Nathan decorates a little well...in a hurry. Carson is the artist and wanted everything even on both sides. And Landon well he had the whole back and he loaded it up while he ate as much as he could shovel in.
We took the kids to look at Christmas lights and we did a Scavenger Hunt for the second year in a row. It was fun watching the kids work together this year while they tried to find each item on the list. Even the littlest was trying to figure out what the words said and mark off things as his brothers found them. One of the few times, we let them all sit next to each other in the car......
And here are a couple of pictures from Christmas morning. Although we don't have any family around on Christmas Day to spend time with, it is always such a peaceful day. We eat a nice breakfast, stay in our jammies most the day (sometimes the entire day), and just relax playing with new toys, taking naps, and watching movies. I think it may be the most relaxing day we have all year. I try really hard not to put anything away and just let the kids enjoy their new presents without me trying to find a "home" for them right away. It is a day of being present with our kids and it is my favorite day of the year!
Loving on his dog. |
We're excited about new castle blocks...Whooaah!! |
Why should he get dressed for breakfast on Christmas? Seriously, keeping clothes on him can be pointless sometimes.... |
If pictures are the proof, then we had a great month and even if Mom didn't get to all the things she wanted to or document every special moment....our family enjoyed some special moments, some I think the boys will remember. I feel so grateful and blessed for my family and our imperfect life!

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