Love your neighbor, not just the ones that are nice to you, bake you cookies, and lend you things. I'm blessed with neighbors like those, they're easy to love....
Love your neighbor, not only the ones that actually live in your neighborhood but the neighbors that live on the "other" side of town.
Love your neighbor, the unloveable ones who yell at their kids, are rough with them, and leave them unattended most of the time. And while you love on those neighbors, be sure to love on their children too.
Love your neighbor, the ones that do not go to the same church as you.
Love your neighbor, the one who doesn't go to church at all.
Love your neighbor, the neighbors that speak in a way that make you want to cover your childrens' ears.
Love your neighbor, the one who would NEVER vote for the same president as you.
Love your neighbor, the neighbor that drinks too often and too much and has difficulty finding their way home.
Love your neighbor, the ones that tell stories behind your back when they think you are not listening.
Love your neighbor, the neighbor who borrows money and "forgets" to pay it back.....more than once.
Love your neighbor, whose skin may be a different color.
Love your neighbor, the one who you can not understand because they speak a different language than you.
Love your neighbor, the neighbor who can fit all of his belongings in a shopping cart.
Love your neighbor, the one who looks like he spent time behind bars.
And love the neighbor who actually is behind bars.
Love your neighbor, the ones who have been orphaned or abandoned.
And this is a hard one, love the people you don't even like. The people who are unkind, who have built walls so high that you don't even want them to let you in. Love on those neighbors who have a chip on their shoulder so big, that you can see it a mile away. Yep, whoever that is you're picturing right now, love on them too. Most likely they are the ones who need it the most.

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.”